Case Study Telhio Credit Union
Image-driven Multimedia and Digital Campaign
To establish Telhio as the leader within the credit union category by placing an emphasis on new member enrollment and new consumer-based product rollouts, as well as illustrate Telhio’s member benefits.
Homeowners ages 25-64.
This campaign saturated 90% of the demographic target using TV, radio, print and outdoor + digital. It ran 2-4 weeks per month, 12 months per year.
Radio and outdoor channels were layered together, as were TV and digital, creating an integrated messaging mix. Print was used as of a more geographic tactic during the timing of a new product launch. We worked together with the PR team and internal new business development team to help give their efforts more momentum.
Telhio achieved a 50% year-over-year membership increase and 35% year-over-year loan volume increase. Telhio was also was voted #1 best and most effective marketing campaign for these specific rollouts by the Credit Union League.