Case Study City of Columbus, Go Lunch! Program
Event Promotion
To increase participation in Go Lunch! — a city program that provides free lunches in the summer to children, while also offering educational programing and access to social service options.
Target Audience
Anyone ages 18-21 who have been determined by a state or local public education agency to be mentally or physically disabled and involved in an independent education program
Target Area
Inner City
We created a multi-faceted communication approach that integrated the entire PESO (paid, earned, shared, owned) model and increased our engagement reach by adding new partners and alliances such as the Family Mentor Foundation, Charity Newsies and Greater Columbus Arts Council.
Additionally, we worked with Columbus
City Schools on calling local families, shared information with, and reached
out to Hispanic and Somalian outlets with custom content.
The campaign yielded more than 20 media hits, nearly 1,000 social shares and 3.15 million impressions. More importantly, the Go Lunch! Program provided more than 1 million meals for children who otherwise may have gone hungry during the summer.